Friday, January 30, 2009

Can a black girl get some play? Yes she can!

With a black man in the White House, Black is back and better than ever. Everyone is jumping on the hope bandwagon to the point of bottling hope and selling it at Starbucks. (I know you have seen the commercials). And while I must say the adoration cast towards this man is bordering on completely unhealthy, I too am drinking the kool-aid and loving the flavor. Not only does Obama bring much needed recognition to the strength of the black man, but he empowers everyone far beyond any conceivable scope.

Now, I have to admit I did not think much of it when the Beanie Baby people announced they were making Sasha and Malia dolls. People get their own dolls made all the time. However, when CNN had a special about the outright commodification of the girls I had to listen up. I read Moby Dick. Commodification is selling something that was not meant to be sold. What’s that you say Anderson?

Turns out that these beautiful, charming, first daughters are the newest thing in marketing. All of a sudden modeling agencies cannot get enough cute black girls to sell anything from magazines to overpriced dresses at Saks. That's right, Black women are in. They are popular and it’s not because there are more of them in college than their male counterparts or because they have high paying jobs or because everyone wants to give them money to start a business and stimulate the economy. Black women are in because Black is beautiful and America cannot get enough. Black people are living high off the hog right about now. There is a beautiful, healthy first family in the White House and black people did that. I love it. Forget learning how to play the game, we are rewriting the playbook.

Now the question is if this is going to be a four year (eight year) fad or is different and diverse in to stay? In other words is this the change we should put stock in? The cover of Atlantic magazine has a headshot of the pres with the words "The end of White America?" emblazoned across his clean shaven face. Is this really the end, or like everything else in this country are we going to use this momentary distraction to feel good about ourselves and then return to business as usual? Can you name five friends who know who Chiwetel Ejiofor is? Can you even name a black model other than Iman? (By the way, Tyra does not count and she’s retired). America has a way of mustering great amounts of enthusiasm for the "it" thing and that has been consistent. Whether its frozen yogurt or antioxidents or pet rocks, America will get on board as long as it holds their interest and then as quickly as interest blossoms, it withers and the object of said affection is forgotten.

The difference here is that this commodity does more for a larger community of people than the pet rock or frozen dessert. In his first weeks in office Barack Obama has proposed an economic stimulus, made it easier for women to sue for pay discrimination, lobbied with republicans, chastised the financial industry for their gluttonies and made it cool for women to come in different shades and shapes. Not to mention, the new White House website is the best thing since turning whale blubber into cosmetics. This doesn't resemble a fad so much as a new era. This is the Neo Enlightenment people, a shift in thinking, and I for one, am proud to bear witness.

For once, there is an American President out there not afraid to talk to the people like people and make the decisions that need to be made and even if he didn’t do anything but show up, the world is better for it. Everyone is so afraid that Black people are going to “take over” now that a man of color is in office, but after 400 years of struggle and second class citizenry, I think we have learned a bit about the virtue of subtly. We are a people quite familiar with using the back door to get the job done. We may not be able to hold on to Harlem, but remember The Revolution will not be televised. So, I am going to dig in and get ready and be seriously watching how this plays out. American politics just got interesting. Another shot of kool-aid over here please.

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