Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hyothetically of course

What is the point of hypothetical situations? Do people just like torturing themselves? Like feeling as though life could get worse? Why pretend? I see no point in pretending when life is truly hard enough as it is without so called friends destroying your weekend high by talking about all the shit that could happen in your life.

I have had a rough year. Maybe the roughest I have encountered in a while. I will say that while I am in a position of more responsibility in my life in nearly every avenue, that definitely equates to nothing more than a substantial amount of things to worry about, people to stay on top of and situations that I do my best to avoid. Once such situation is the hypothetical. The situation that only exists in the imagination but somehow persist to arise in conversation as though a drinking game that is meant to end with everyone getting drunk but only succeeds in angering me to know end.

This week, I found a man to fix the roof on my house (bane of my existence for 2 years plus) for no less than $2k, found out my boss wants me to service an area about 100 miles from where I live, realized no one cares that I work harder than anyone I know and walked in to my favorite falafel place only to find the price had gone up enough so that it was no longer prudent for me to buy lunch there.

Saturday is my supposed day of rest. I worked half the day on a rainy September morning with my only happiness being the bar at which I drank just enough to feel happy but not enough to make a fool of myself, ate lots of curly fries and then ended the evening debating, what else, but a hypothetical situation. Trust me, I tried to avoid it entirely. I even said, several times “I don’t want to talk about this” and “This is not even real, why are we still discussing this?” I even tried closing my eyes and ignoring the discourse entirely. And when those attempts failed I stated, “I am about to walk away from this conversation.” At which point my company told me “go ahead”. And then, when I did, that same company had the nerve to ask why I was so upset. Sorry folks, I only have enough energy for real life, so fake life can suck my dick. (Hypothetically of course.)

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