Monday, January 12, 2015

God, Family, Business

Today I spent all day with my family.  I slept in late with my husband.  I put a movie on for my kids.  We played.  It was a great lazy Sunday to round out a weekend where I worked hard and played hard.  Went to some parties with friends and still made time for 6 client appointments and prepping for my week.

In this business, they tell you all the time that your priorities should be God first, family second and business third.  It's much harder to pull off then it sounds, but to me that means that when I spend all day with my family, I get to feel great about it. There is no guilt in thinking that my family is taking away from my career or vice versa.  I get to have it all.  I'm in a business dedicated to helping families be okay and along the way, my family gets to be great.

Day 7s reason my business is awesome: A Sunday as lazy as I want it to be.

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