Thursday, January 22, 2015

Smile- It won't mess up your hair

There is a doo wop group that rides the A train from time to time. They are actually really good.  They sing acapella and carry that kind of vibe that makes you feel like pan handling is one of the greatest treats New York has to offer.  Of course, they do want donations in exchange for a song, but if you have nothing to give, they always depart the car with "and remember, smile. Because it won't mess up your hair."  SO TRUE.

They say the best things in life are free.  Hugs are free.  Love is free.  Health is free (though healthcare is a work in progress).

Smiling is probably one of the few things that we have in abundance/unlimited supply and yet we hoard our smiles unnecessarily.  Dale Carnegie's Principle #5 from How to Win Friends and Influence People is "Smile".  Smiling builds instant rapport, and a way to connect with people without words. That means you can do it from across a crowded room, in the midst of deafening noise, with your hands tied behind your back.  It doesn't require any extra training - we know how to smile from the time we are infants, and if you have ever had a baby smile at you, you already know they are experts in the field.  A baby's smile melts your heart, changes your mood, and reminds you of what is great about humankind.

So why don't people smile more?  Are we afraid of looking silly? Do we not have enough to smile about?  Are we just plain old grumpy all the time?  I would hope not.  And if we are, smiling will probably cure those ailments. After all, smiling has been shown to reduce stress, increase productivity, better your mood, encourage trust, boost your immune system and make you look younger.  And the best part?  Smiling is contagious!!  That's right.  If you smile, all those benefits go viral!

So now, ask yourself, could I benefit from any of the upsides of smiling?  Do I need to reduce stress, increase productivity, feel better, look better, be better or form stronger alliances?  If the answer is yes, then get to it.  Or rather, tell your face to get to it.  I promise it won't mess up your hair.

Day 11s reason my business is awesome: The more you smile, the more business you get

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